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The Intelligent Hacker's Choice.. Systems, Networks, Administration.. since 1977
       The Cuddletech Veritas Cheat Sheet

		by: B. Rockwood


        The purpose of this paper is to 
quickly get you up to speed in Veritas,
and to act as a quick referance.  All new
users to Veritas are HIGHLY encouraged to
first read the Veritas users guides enlucded
with Veritas, and found on

Remember!: Almost all commands can use several
        diffrent options that are similar
        across all commands.  The most used
        of these is "-g <diskgroup>" which
        specifies which Disk Group the command
        will be executed on.  For instance,
        vxinfo will only display volume information
        for volumes in the rootdg, to see
        volumes in the datadg, for instance, use: 
        Ex: "vxinfo -g datadg"


vxdisk list
        List all disks used by Veritas (VX).

vxdisk list <diskname>
        Display detailed information about a 
        single disk, including mutlipathing
        information, size, type, Vx version,
        and more.

        Display report style information about
        the current status of all Vx componants,
        including disks, subdisks, plexes, and

vxprint <componant>
        Display report style information about
        the current status of ONLY the componant
        you request.  So for instance, 
        "vxprint vol01" shows information about
        all subcomponants of vol01.  This works
        for plexes, disk groups, etc.

vxprint -hrt
	Display detailed information about all
	Vx componanats, including stwdith, 
	ncolumns, offsets, layout type, read-
	policy, and more.  This is best for
	a true picture of your configuration.

vxdg list
        Display listing and state information
        of all Disk Groups.

vxdg list <diskgroup name>
        Display detailed information about
        a diskgroup, including flags, version,
        logs status, etc.

        Display volume status and volume type.
        By default, only displays "rootdg", 
        to display a diffrent Disk Group,
        use "vxinfo -g <dgname>".

vxassist maxgrow <volume>
        This command will output the maximum size
        the volume specified can increased by,
        specified in sectors.


vxdiskadd <devname>
        Adds a disk to Vx by Initializing and Encapsolating
        it.  Specified by its device name (ex: c0t1d0s2).
        NOTE: You'll need to reboot to finalize the
        disk addition!
        This command, can also be used to add a disk to
        a specified disk group.  Just follow the prompts.
        No reboots needed for changing DG's.

vxedit rename <oldname> <newname>
        Rename a Vx disk. Ex: "vxedit rename disk01 disk05"

vxedit set reserve=on <diskname>
        Sets the "reserve" flag to a Vx disk.  This
        is used to keep specific disks from being
        accidentally, or generally used.

vxdisk offline <diskname>
        Used to "offline" a disk.  The disk should
        be removed from its diskgroup before being   

vxdisk rm <devname>
        Used to remove disks from Vx control completely.
        Ex: "vxdisk rm c0t1d0s2"  Make sure to 
        removed the disk from its diskgroup, and offline
        the disk before removing it.

vxedit set spare=on <diskname>
        Sets the "spare" flag to a Vx disk.  This is used
        to make the specified disk a hot spare, which
        is then added to the "hot spare pool".

vxedit set spare=off <diskname>
        Same as above but removes the disk from the
        "hot spare pool".


vxdg init <diskgroup> <diskname>=<devname>
        Creates a new disk group, and assigns the naming
        scheme to the first disk added to the group.
        ex: "vxdg init newdg newdg01=c0t10d0s2".
        NOTE: This is kinda tricky because the disk that
        you're adding can't be a member of ANY DG, but
        must be initialized.  It's easier to use
        "vxdiskadd", and add the disk to a newdg by
        specifying a new DG name for the DG field.

vxdg deport <diskgroup>
        Disabled a diskgroup, but doesn't remove it.  Often
        used as an organized pool of disk to realocate, and
        to moved DG's from one system to another.

vxdg import <diskgroup>
        Reverse of above.  Enables local access to the specified
        disk group.

vxdg -n <newdgname> <olddgname>
        Change a Disk Groups name.

vxdg list <dgname>
        Use this to check the version numbers of Disk
        Groups.  Shows other details about the DG too.

vxdg destroy <dgname>
        Removes the specified DG, and frees all its disks
        back to general use by Vx.

-= Quick Chart!: Disk Group Version Number Translation

        VxVM          Introduced                Supported
        Release         Version                 Versions
        -------       ------------              ---------
        1.2             10                        10
        1.3             15                        15
        2.0             20                        20
        2.2             30                        30
        2.3             40                        40
        2.5             50                        50
        3.0             60                       20-60

        SUBDISKS and COMMANDS                                                           

vxmake sd <subdiskname> <disk>,<offset>,<length>
        Creates a subdisk with the specified name,
        and by the offset and length specified.
        ex: "vxmake sd disk02-01 disk02,0,8000"
        NOTE: If you are going to add this subdisk
        to a plex, its good to check the other
        subdisks in that plex to see what their
        lengths and offsets are, use the command:
        "vxprint -st"

vxedit rm <subdiskname>                               
        Removes a subdisk.                       
vxsd assoc <plexname> <subdiskname>,....
        Associates the specified subdisks to
        the specified plex.  Example:
        "vxsd assoc vol01-03 disk01-01,disk02-01"                                            
        NOTE: Striped volumes are diffrent,                                                 
        you need to specify the column# so                                                 
        use the following:                                           
vxsd -l <col#/offset> assoc <plexname> <subdiskname>,...                          
        Same as above, but used for associating
	subdisks to a striped plex.  Use the command                               
        "vxprint -st" to see what other subdisk
        in the plex look like, and then set the
        new subdisks column number and offset
        (found in the seventh column of output)
        to the appropriate value.
vxsd aslog <plex> <subdiskname>
        Adds a log subdisk to the specified plex.                               
        Ex: "vxsd aslog vol01-02 disk03-01" 

vxsd dis <subdiskname>
        Disassociates the specified subdisk from its
        current plex.                                                      

        PLEXS and COMMANDS

vxmake plex <plexname> sd=<subdiskname>,<subdiskname>,....      
        Creates a new plex by the name specified and
        assigns the specified subdisks to it.

vxmake plex <plexname> layout=<layout> stwidth=<stwidth> ncolumn=<ncolumn> sd=...
	Like above command, but specifies layout type
	as defined by <layout>, which is used for creation
	of striped and RAID5 plexes.  The layout is
	constrained by the defined number of columns,
	and stripe width.  Subdisks specified are
	added to the created plex.	

vxplex att <volname> <plexname>
        Associates specified plex with specified volume.
        (Adds a mirror)  
        NOTE: Attachment will take a while.  Watch
        it with Vxtask, or via vxprint

vxplex dis <plexname>
        Disassociate specified plex from its connected 

vxedit -r rm <plexname>
        Remove the plex.

vxmend off <plexname>
        Offlines a plex for repair to it's disks.

vxplex det <plexname>
        Detaches specified plex from its connected
        volume, but maintians association with it's
        volume.  The plex is no longer used
        for I/O untill it is (re)attached.

vxmend fix clean <plexname>
        Used to clean plexes that are in the
        "unclean" state.  Used with unstartable

vxplex mv <originalplex> <newplex>
        Moves the data content from the origonal
        plex onto a new plex.  
        NOTE: The old plex must be active (ENABLED).
        The new plex should be the same length, or
        larger than the old plex.  The new plex 
        must not be associated with another volume.

vxplex cp <volume> <newplex>
        Copies the data from the specified volume
        to a new plex.
        NOTE: The new plex cannot be associated
        with any other volume.  The new plex,
        further, will NOT be attached to 
        the specified volume.  (Also, see notes
        from above)


vxassist make <volumename> <length>
        Creates a new volume with the name specified
        and is made to the length specified.  
        Ex: "vxassist make newvol 10m"
        NOTE: This command will pull disk space
        from the generally avalible Vx disk space.

vxassist make <volname> <length> layout=<layouttype> <disk> <disk> ....
        Like the above command, but with layout specified.
        The most common layouts are: striped and raid5
        ex: "vxassist make newvol 100m layout=raid5 disk01 disk02 disk03"
        NOTE: See the vxassist(1M) man page for more information.

vxmake vol <volname> len=<length> plex=<plexname>,...
        Creates a new volume of specified length (usually
        in sectors), and attachs the specified plexes to that
        volume.  Useful for creating volumes to house 
        copied or moved plexes.
        NOTE: See the vxmake(1M) man page for more information.

vxvol init <state> <volname> [plexname]
        Manually sets the state of a volume.
        NOTE: Not for the squimish.

vxassist maxsize [layout=raid5]
        Returns the maximum size avalible via Vx to create
        a new volume.  By adding "layout=raid5" to the command
        the calulations take into account losse due
        to raid5.  Output is in sectors and Megs.

vxassist maxgrow <volname>
        Returns the maximum ammount of Vx space that
        can be added to the specified volume.

vxassist mirror <volname>
        Creates a mirror for the specified volume.
        NOTE: Think of this as "handsfree plex creation".
        This is fast, but the disks you want used 
        may not be used... often best to do manually.

vxassist addlog <volname>
        Adds a Dirty Region Log (DRL) for the specified volume.

vxassist remove log <volname>
        Reverse of above.

vxvol start <volname>
        Starts a volume

vxvol stop <volname>
        Stops a volume.  Alternately you can use command as
        such: "vxvol stopall" in order to stop all volumes.

vxassit growto/growby/shrinkto/shrinkby <volname> <length>
        Resizes the volume specified.  Use one of the
        following: growto, growby, shrinkto, and shrinkby
        in order to descide what <length> specifies.
        By default length is specified in sectors.
        This does not resize the filesystem inside the volume.
        NOTE: Don't shrink volumes to be less that 
        its contained filesystem! (duh)

vxvol set len=<length> <volname>
        An alternate to above command.  Sets the absolute
        lenths of the specified volume to the length
        specified, by default, in sectors.  This 
        does not resize the filesystem inside the volume.

        NOTE: There is also a resize(1M) command, used
        for resizing both volume AND filesytem.  See
        the man page for that one.

vxedit rm <volname>
        Removes the specified volume. (poof!)
        NOTE: If the volume specified is in the ENABLED
        state, you will need to use the command
        "vxedit -f <volname>".  Also, using the "r"
        with "f" will remove all plexes and subdisks
        with the volume.  If you didn't guess, "r"
        is Recursive, and "f" is Force.

Misc Stuff:

To calculate the size of a filesystem inside a volume, use
the command:
	fstyp -v <volume-device-path> | head -30 | grep ncg
Ignore the errors.  Output will look this this:
  # fstyp -v /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/vol01 | head -30 | grep ncg
  ncg     17152   size    70254592        blocks  65863396
  # Broken Pipe
  Unknown_fstyp (no matches)
The size found after the label "size" is presented in kilobytes.
You can convert to sectors by multiplying by 2.


To calculate the size of a volume, use vxprint, and look for the
"len".  The volume length is in sectors.  Convert to kilobytes
by dividing by 2.


Volume Growth Procudure:
1) You can use vxassist to estimate the max size of 
a given volume based on the disks you wish to add:
ex: # vxassist -g rootdg maxgrow vol01 disk01 disk02 disk03

2) Next, actually grow the volume (NOT THE FS) via the 
command (assuming maxgrow outputed 10639360 as the maxsize):
ex:# vxassist -g rootdg growto vol01 10639360 disk01 disk02 disk03

3) Now VxVM grinds away, monitor with vxtask.

4) Now Grow the Filesystem, for UFS use:
# /usr/lib/fs/ufs/mkfs -F ufs -M /export /dev/vx/rdsk/rootdg/vol01 10639360

for VXFS ufs:
# /usr/lib/fs/vxfs/fsadm -b 10639360 -r /dev/vx/rdsk/rootdg/vol01 /mnt

5) Done!


Changing User/Group of a Raw Volume: (ex:)
 vxedit -g xxxdg set group=dba data_vol_123
 vxedit -g xxxdg set user=oracle data_vol_123

======= Ben Rockwood == ========================


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